Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Snowy Week 37


When we woke up at the crack of dawn, it had just begun snowing outside. It was so cold and beautiful. The flakes were coming down so fluffy and thick. I had been waiting for this all year! After breakfast, my girls and I cuddled up on the couch to watch the snow fall. I'm sure Elly was thinking, what is that stuff mama? My sister came to watch Eliana and I went to an appointment with my mama. Afterwards Eliana went down for a nap and I got to kick my feet up and relax. These days that's the only time this mama gets to relax, when our little toddler is asleep. Elly just awoke from her nap as hubby came home. We all bundled up and went outside to enjoy the fluffy snow coming down and snap a few pics of this ever growing belly. The result is just magical. Nothing like a world covered in white.
On our very first snow day of the year, we finally reached our goal of getting to full term. I was exactly 37 weeks on this perfect day. What a week of change it ended up being! It's as if my body knew we reached our goal and it started preparing itself for labor. At my last appointment a week prior, my stomach had dropped even lower and her head, at that point, was "fully engaged". What this meant was that she was definitely settling in for the home stretch. And boy, was she ever! 
Over the weekend I started having so many pre-labor signs. Back aching so much, ovaries hurting, hips stretching and stretching...She felt like she dropped even lower, if that's even possible. I was feeling so much pressure, I just couldn't do anything comfortably anymore. I had the urge to use the restroom at all moments of the day and night. There was definitely something going on. Even the baby started moving so much, much more than usual. On Sunday, she didn't stop for about 3 hours on end. I could clearly see her little feet and bum as she stretched and pushed at her cramped quarters. I felt so weird and started feeling so anxious. I just kept telling my husband, "Babe we need to go home, I feel like she can burst my water at any moment." I could hardly wait until the following day so I could see my doctor and find out if I've started dilating and if not, I needed some answers.
The next day I got ready for my appointment, excited and anxious...I get some answers finally! My doctor confirmed my suspicions. Not only was I already 3cm dilated, my cervix was paper thin, and babies head was so low, I could have her at any moment now! We are definitely in the home stretch. My doctor told me if I begin feeling really intense pressure that doesn't go away or if I start leaking water; I needed to come in immediately. We could be having this baby. After my appointment I let my hubby know my status. He started to slightly freak out, making plans for a babysitter for Eliana. He installed the car seat in the car. We made sure all our things are in order and ready to go to the hospital. Hubby even made sure I ate well, so I would have energy to push when the time came lol. We were ready to go! I did however have some intense cramps and pressure for a few hours about 4 hours after my appointment, but they passed. 
The next day hubby even stayed home, expecting us to go to the hospital at any moment. The day passed slowly, and we quickly realized that its now a waiting game. We decided to put our energies into running a few last errands and shopping. We installed some shelving and did some organizing. Keeping busy was definitely much easier to make this waiting period pass quicker. As I sit here writing this post I'm definitely no longer comfortable. Last few days I have been experiencing early labor pains. Lots of pressure and aching. Stabbing pains in my lower back and my stomach tightening painfully. But nothing consistent or painful enough to go in to the hospital. More than likely dilating more every day. My oldest sister told me that on the plus side, when the time comes, we may have a very quick labor and delivery. My body having done most of the dilating and prep-work already. We are definitely ready and excited to meet this little girl. Looking at newborn sized clothing, how is it possible she will be so tiny? How was Eliana so much smaller even than that?! We keep wondering what color her hair will be, whose features she will have. Babies seem to rarely look like their siblings. We are so ready to meet her! Any day now...

Below are a few pictures of my little family enjoying the snow.
The snow was not the issue, it was all those fluffy layers of clothes... lol
 She was all smiles and happiness once her jacket and hat came off. Plus the hot chocolate, with her favorite marshmallows, wasn't bad either.


  1. Absolutely love your writing! Feels like I'm going through the exact same thing & feeling everything you're feeling! You are so good with words. Excited for your little one to come! :)

  2. Thank you Yana!! That means so much to me. I try to write exactly what I'm feeling. Soon I will forget all of this, even though it seems so big and important to me right now lol
